27 Interior Design & Real Estate Presets
B&W Exteriors Fine - Softened and refined for building exteriors and home-grown landscapes
B&W Exteriors Strong - Brightened and contrasty for building exteriors and home-grown landscapes
B&W Interiors Fine - Clean and refined to compliment indoor architecture
B&W Interiors Strong - A dose of monochromatic drama, perfect for enhancement of interior details
Clean & Saturated - Natural, with lightly boosted clarity & contrast, but untouched individual color tones
Clean w/ Light Boosted - Simply-soft and clean with a burst of natural light
Clean w/ Light Reduced - Decreases harsh brightness of light to achieve a more natural look.
Enhancement Rich - Boosted with bright highlights, deep shadows, and rich natural color tones
Enhancement Subtle - A slight increase to vibrance & saturation, along with a boost to clarity and overall contrasts
External Architecture Clean - An ideal boost to external architecture images without alternation of true color
External Architecture Cool - Cooled filter over natural tones to enhance external architecture
External Architecture Warm - Warmed and clean adjustments with lightly boosted contrasts
Floral Color Boosting - Slightly brightened, with boosted floral tones and saturation
Give 'Em Light - Raised blacks reveal hidden shadow details, while a lifted tone curve brightens the room
Hint Of Pastels - Cooled magenta overlays with subtly boosted tones and coloring
Light & Cool - Soft and cool, with reduced contrasts, brightened shadows, and slightly modified individual color tones
Light & Peachy - A peach-toned version of Light & Cool
Light & Warm - A warmed version of Light & Cool
Matted Details - Film-inspired, with matted highlights, shadows, contrast, and saturation
Moody Room - Dark and dramatic, with cooled color tones
Muted Matte - Desaturated and warm, with reduced highlights and whites
Natural Luminance - Adjusted contrast, clarity, and saturation, with true and natural color toning
Open The Details - High dynamic range with boosted shadows and highlights
Peachy White - Softens by adding a peachy tone to the whites and slightly warming the shadows
Rich Wood Tones - Boost the color and enhances the details of wood color tones.
Soft & Dreamy - A subtle tone curve boosts the overall light while a clarity reduction adds creamy-soft over-toning
White Room Bright - Room brightening, wall whitening and increased depth and details.
25 Tool Presets
6 Filter Tool Presets. Cooling Full, Cooling Highs, Cooling Lows, Warming Full, Warming Highs, Warming Lows
2 Filter Split Tool Presets. Peachy-Cool, Peachy Warm
13 Tonal Tool Presets. Curve Heavy, Curve Light, Curve Medium, HDR Light , HDR Light , Highlights Boost , Highlights Boost , Highlights Reduce , Highlights Reduce , Shadows Deepen , Shadows Deepen , Shadows Lift , Shadows Lift
4 Vignette Tool Presets. Heavy, Medium, Subtle, White Soft
15 Brushes
Color & Details Boost, Color & Details Soften, Coloring Cool, Coloring Pastel, Coloring Peach, Coloring Warm, Enhance Florals, Enhance Furniture, Enhance Light, Enhance Wood & Brick, HDR Toning, Highlights Brighten, Highlights Darken, Shadows Brighten, Shadows Darken