24 Presets
B&W Airy Analog - A clean, black & white, film-styled look.
B&W Depth – Black & white with reduced highlights & increased shadows.
B&W Light & Lifted - A soft black & white, with lifted shadows & boosted contrast.
Bright & Colorful - Rich, saturated colors, increased contrasts, & raised blacks.
Delightfully Cool - Cool-toned, with teal highlights & soft olive shadows.
Gentle Touch - Soft pink highlights, with altered individual color tones.
Ginger Cream - Warmed peach overtones, with softened contrasts.
Glowing Bliss - Desaturated individual colors, boosted highlights, & delicately lifted blacks.
Hazy Sunlight - Warm overall temperatures with increased saturation & vibrance.
Light-Hearted - An unfiltered look with elevated whites & silky clean shadows.
Lightly Lifted - Cooled & desaturated greens with enhanced contrast tones.
Luscious Tones - Rich saturation, pushed vibrance, decreased highlights, & lifted shadows.
Peaceful Grove - Cooled shadows & highlights, with warmed greens boosted reds.
Peachy Hues - Delicately lifted whites with lovely peach overtones.
Perfect Light - A beautifully soft look with flattened highlight & shadow tones.
Pleasant Petals - Warm peach highlights & cool shadows, with desaturated green & red tones.
Radiance - A drop to the whites, a lift to the blacks, & a hint of warm peach in the mids.
Rich & Pure – Clean, with increased contrast depth & raised blacks.
Ruby Soft – Soft & desaturated colors, & warmed shadows, with poppy peach highlights.
Soft Skin - Boosted saturation, pushed whites, & reduced clarity that softens skin.
Sweet Peach - A peachy look with cooled greens & desaturated yellows.
Tender & Soft - A simple & soft look with warm, desaturated greens & reduced contrasts.
Uplifting – Overall saturation with cooled highlights, decreased shadows, & boosted whites.
Warm Breeze - Pastel, with peach overlays & an overall soft tone.
13 Tool Presets
Clarity (increased, reduced, reset), Curve (fade shadows, filmy, highlighting), Lens Correction (activate, deactivate), Pop the Highlights ( , ), Toning Filter (Cooling, Peachy, Warming)
12 Brushes
Lift the Shadows, Add Depth, Saturation (increase, decrease), Lighten & Soften, Pop the Highlights ( , ), Touch of Film, Color (peachy, cooling, warming), Contrast & Clarity